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Hero Blitz (87)

Solutions for a Furnace That Is Blowing Cold Air

With winter approaching, you want to make sure your furnace is helping you stay nice and warm. If your furnace starts blowing cold air, don’t ignore the problem. Before you call a professional like JDL HVAC for furnace repair, here are a few solutions you can try yourself. If the problem, persists, be sure to contact our specialists — we proudly service Odenton, Laurel, Severna Park, and the surrounding areas!

changing fan

Switch The Thermostat Setting

If your furnace is blowing cold air, the first thing you should do is check the thermostat. If your thermostat is set to “fan-only” mode, this could be preventing the furnace from heating your home. Switch the thermostat to “heat” mode.

changing furnace filter

Clean Or Replace Air Filters

A dirty air filter can often be the cause of many furnace heating issues. If your air filter is overheating due to built-up debris, this can cause your furnace to blow cold air. Simply swapping the dirty air filter with a clean filter may solve the problem.

inspecting furnace

Properly Maintain The System

Properly maintaining your furnace should include thoroughly cleaning all the parts and having an annual maintenance check from a professional. For simple furnace repair, JDL HVAC offers a heating maintenance service to ensure your system is working properly so you can stay warm all winter long.

furnace wires

Reset The High Limit Switch

Before you think you have a broken furnace, it may have just overheated. When your furnace’s high limit switch trips, the furnace will blow cold air instead of hot. If this is the case, reset the high limit switch to prevent your furnace from overheating and destroying itself. This is a quick and easy fix to make sure your furnace is working properly without having to call a professional.

You rely on your heating system to keep you warm in the winter. By trying these solutions when your furnace is blowing cold air, you may be able to fix that problem. If you’ve tried these tips and are still dealing with cold air from your furnace, it’s time to call a professional. JDL HVAC provides quality service to customers within a 25-mile radius of Odenton, Maryland. Get a quick quote today!

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